Conversion Goals

Extend conversion goal tracking beyond sign-ups and button clicks- with Optimonk’s Conversion Goals.

Conversion Goals provides greater flexibility for measuring campaign performance based on specific metrics and helps you define your desired conversion event that’s in line with your business goals. Whether you’d like to track purchases, page views, subscriptions, or any other vital interaction, Conversion Goals allows you to measure conversions any way you want.


In this article you’ll learn about

  1. Why use Conversion Goals?
  2. How to set it up?
  3. Additional Conversion Goals for Shopify/Shoprenter users
  4. How to view, edit & manage Conversion Goals

Why use Conversion Goals?

By selecting the right goal for you campaign, you'll be able to measure campaign success more accurately, optimize campaigns using more precise data, and ultimately improve your website's overall performance.

Conversion Goals allow you to measure campaign performance based on specific metrics such as

  • the number of visitors with an order above a certain value,
  • the number of visitors who have added certain number of items to cart (in case of Shopify),
  • traffic guided to a specific page,
  • the number of visitors who have seen another OptiMonk campaign,
  • the number of visitors who have closed another OptiMonk campaign,
  • or the number of visitors of a specific page.

Here’s how you can set it up:

1. First, log in to your OptiMonk account at

2. Select Campaigns on the left, then select the campaign of which goal you’d like to change.


Or if you’ve just created a new campaign, you will need to navigate to the Campaign details page.

3. You will be able to select the goal of your campaign under the A/B Test Center panel on the right.

To set a new goal, click on this Campaign goal reached dropdown.


What is Campaign goal reached?

The default setting for popup Conversion Goals is "Campaign goal reached." In the Editor, for every popup or campaign button, you have the option to mark a click as a conversion. When the toggle in the Editor is set to "active," each button click (for instance, every time a new subscriber submits their email) is recorded as a conversion event.

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5. You can select to track conversions based on Visitors with Carts, Visitors with Orders, or the default Campaign Goal Reached. Alternatively, you have the option to create your own custom Conversion Goal. To create a new goal, click on Create new goal.


Now, a window will appear, prompting you to provide other essential details.

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6. Here, give your goal a descriptive name that reflects its purpose. For example, if you'd like to track how many people have seen your landing page about your T-shirts, you could label it as "T-shirt Landing Page Views.”

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7. Next, select the website domain where this goal will apply.

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8. Lastly, choose the specific type of action you want to track for this goal. OptiMonk offers a range of event types, allowing you to tailor your tracking to match your specific conversion actions:

  • Page view
  • Campaign conversion
  • Campaign impression
  • Campaign closed


a) Page view

If your goal is to track the number of views of a specific page or the traffic guided to a specific page, choose the Page view option for your custom goal.

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Choose the criteria (equals, contains, doesn’t equal etc.) that follows the domain.

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Then, specify the URL. For instance, here we’ll target all URLs that contain the word “tshirt”.

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b) Campaign goals

If your campaign goal is linked to another campaign's specific actions, such as tracking the number of times users have closed a campaign (Campaign Closed), viewed it (Campaign Impressions), or completed a conversion (Campaign Conversion), you can select the relevant event type to monitor these interactions. For instance, if you choose "Campaign Closed" as the event type for a Product Recommendation campaign, it will track and report the number of users who have closed this particular campaign.

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For each option, you need to select the campaign you would like to track.

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9. After having created a custom goal, you just need to click on the Save button.

10. Once you've saved your custom goal, you can now track your campaign’s performance based on your new goal. Simply navigate to the dropdown menu and select the goal that aligns with your campaign.

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❗It's crucial to remember that goals saved in OptiMonk aren't restricted to individual campaigns. You're free to use them across multiple campaigns.

❗Each goal is closely linked to a specific domain, which means you can only use a particular goal for campaigns running on that domain.

And there you have it! That's the process for setting up a custom goal in OptiMonk. 🙂

Additional Conversion Goals for Shopify/ Shoprenter users

For ecommerce sites, tracking orders or carts over a certain amount is key.  Shopify and Shoprenter stores have ready-to-use goals: "Visitors with carts" and "Visitors with orders," with no setup needed. Choose "Visitors with Orders" or "Visitors with Carts" and set a value, like tracking orders over 50 USD, to monitor high-value conversions.

To customize further, create custom goals from these options in the "Create a new conversion goal" section.

a) Visitors with carts

If your goal is to measure Visitors with carts events, you can create a goal based on

  • the price of products added to cart,
  • the quantity of products added to cart or
  • the total cart value.

To specify your goal even further, create custom conditions for these parameters. For instance, if you only consider at least 2 products added to cart as a conversion, select Quantity of added product and select the condition to greater than or equal to 2.


b) Visitors with orders

If your goal is to measure the number of Visitors with orders on your website, you can track

  • the sales value or
  • the total number of products sold.

For a more specific goal measurement, create custom conditions for these parameters. For example, if you only want to keep track of sales for 20 or more products, choose Total number of products and select the condition to greater than or equal to 100$.


How to view, edit & manage Conversion Goals

If you would like to run multiple campaigns of different types, you’re likely to have several different conversion goals.

1. To review and manage them in one page, go to your profile then Setting on the left.

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2. Look for the Conversion Goals page under the Account panel and click on it.

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3. This centralized hub provides a comprehensive list of your goals, complete with associated domains, and creation dates.

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You can easily add new conversion goals from this page, as well.

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Or you can easily edit, duplicate or delete a custom goal by clicking on the three dots on the right by any goal.

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Or you can also edit the custom goal by clicking on the name of the goal.

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The Shopify/Shoprenter users can also see here the Built-in Conversion Goals, right above the Custom conversion goals.

❗If you need a Conversion Goal based on a custom event - different from our default Conversion Goals, learn about how to set it up in this article.


✉️ If you need any further help or have any questions, please let us know at, and we would be happy to assist you :)

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