A/B Test Performance Report in Google Analytics

You can track the performance of the different Variants of your Campaigns in terms of profit with the help of Google Analytics. There are 2 ways to compare the results:

  1. Create & compare segments: This allows you to dive into details
  2. Create a dashboard: This allows you to monitor the results easier through a longer period

Create & compare segments

1. First, log in to your Google Analytics account, select Behavior on the left, and go to Events / Overview:

mceclip14.pngClick on OptiMonk.

2. Select Event Label:


3. Pick which A/B test results you want to compare:

As you can see the labels are [campaign name] + [variant name]. Choose the Variants you want to compare. In this example, we will compare the 2 variants of 5. Product - Mobile (non-USA) campaign:


4. Click on Add Segment, then click on New Segment:


5. Create a segment by following the steps below:


  1. Add a name, which should be the Event Label's name
  2. Choose Conditions
  3. Choose Event Label as a filter
  4. Choose the label you want to segment by

Then repeat it for the other variant.

6. Now you can see both reports with the 2 new Segments under Conversions/Ecommerce/Overview:



2. Create a dashboard

1. Go to Dashboards under Customization, then click on Create:


2. Choose Blank, then give it a name:


3. Add a widget like the one below, one widget for each variant:


4. The result will look like this:


That's it! :) Now you can track the monetary performance of your Campaign Variants in Google Analytics.

If you need any further help or have any questions, just let us know at support@optimonk.com and we would be more than happy to assist you :)

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