Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule

The Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns targeting rule is designed to help you precisely control whether a campaign appears depending on your visitor’s interaction with another campaign.


In this article, you’ll learn about:

  1. What Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule is
  2. Why use the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaign rule
  3. How to set up the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaign rule
  4. Leverage OptiMonk survey data in targeting
  5. How to add a new rule with an "AND" relation
  6. How to add a new Campaign rule with an "OR" relation

1. What is the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule?

The OptiMonk Campaigns rule is perfect for connecting one campaign based on how visitors interact with another campaign. For example, once a popup is filled in, you can display the offer in another sticky bar campaign.



What’s more, you can target visitors based on behavioral preferences such as Italian wine lover that you know from a survey.

2. Why you should use the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule?

There are many reasons to use the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule, but here are just a few:

🛍 Improve product recommendations by making them relevant to the user: Product recommendations can be really effective, but only if you use them the right way. Recommending products that are not relevant to the visitor just increases the noise on the website. To make sure you’re displaying relevant products, start by asking visitors what kind of products they’re interested in. Once they make a choice, you can use that to show them the most relevant product recommendations across your website, including on the product pages and cart pages.

⛔ No more repeating campaigns: There’s nothing more annoying than filling out a subscription campaign and then having another one appear immediately. The last thing you’d want is for your visitors to experience something similar. So if you are running multiple similar campaigns and want to avoid overwhelming your visitors with messages, the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule will be your number one!

👏 Build loyalty and reward your returning visitors: The longer your customers stick around, the higher the customer lifetime value will be. Turning one-time shoppers into loyal buyers is a great way to generate strong and stable revenue. With the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule, you can easily target visitors who have already filled in your specific OptiMonk campaign and show an exclusive offer only for them.

3. How to set up the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaign rule?

1) Log in to your OptiMonk account at https://app.optimonk.com/login/en

2) Select Campaigns on the left.


3) Select the Campaign you want to set up by clicking on its name.


4) Click on Edit settings on the right.


5) Click on Add new rule under Select who should see the popup.


6) Select the Engaged with OptiMonk campaigns rule from the list by clicking on the ”+” sign.


7) Customize the settings on the next page.


8) The first dropdown allows you to choose from the following Conditions. The rest of the settings allows you to define which Campaign(s) you want to use for the set Condition.


9) You can select the Campaign you want to use in the second dropdown.


10) You can only edit the third dropdown if you leave the second on "any". In this case, you will have the following options:


❗ In case you select a Campaign in the second dropdown, the third will be greyed out, and you will not be able to edit it:


11) You can use the last dropdown to show the Campaign based on whether the visitor has engaged with your chosen campaign(s) in this session, or ever before.


12) Lastly, click on Save then Next in the top right corner to save your settings:


4. Leverage OptiMonk survey data in targeting

If you’d like to better understand your visitors and learn more about customer preferences, you should consider collecting preference data with onsite surveys. It will not only provide you with valuable information on customer preferences but can help you deliver a personalized and improved browsing experience for your customers. You can do all that in OptiMonk.

Personalize messaging based on interest with the Engaged with OptiMonk Targeting rule

1. Ask your visitors about their preferences by creating a conversational popup

2. Create a product recommender campaign for a given preference

3. Use the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns Rule to target the recommendation campaign to visitors who chose this as a preference in your survey


💡 To check our step-by-step guide, please click here.

5. How to add a new Campaign rule with an "AND" relation?

We can set up multiple conditions for the Engaged with OptiMonk Campaigns rule with an "AND" or "OR" relationship.

You can add another rule with an "AND" relation by clicking on the Add sign:



Here is an example of the "AND" relation:


In this example, this Campaign will show up if the visitor has not seen Campaign #6, AND the visitor has filled any popup ever before. As you can see, the "AND" relation means that all rule conditions have to be met simultaneously.

6. How to add a new Campaign rule with an "OR" relation?

You can also add another rule with an "OR" relation. In this case, the Campaign will show up when at least one of the conditions is met. Click on Add new to add a new rule with an "OR" relation:


Here is an example of how the "OR" relation works:


In this example, this Campaign will show up when the visitor has not seen Campaign #6 ever before, OR the visitor has not seen any campaign in the current session.

✉️ If you need any further help or have any questions, please let us know at support@optimonk.com, and we would be happy to assist you :)

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