OptiMonk Cookies

An HTTP cookie is a small piece of data stored on the user's computer by the web browser while browsing a website. Each time the same computer requests a page with a browser, it will send the cookie too.  Cookies are used to identify specific users and improve your web browsing experience.

OptiMonk uses multiple cookies for the following purposes:

  • optiMonkClient: We use this cookie to store the data needed for the Campaigns: Campaign ID, date and time of the first visit, date and time of the last visit, pageview count, Variant ID, Campaign status, and Impression count for the visitor. This cookie expires in 1 year.

    • There can be a numbered version of optimonkclient cookie if the account has more than 14 campaigns. Like this: optimonkclient2
  • optiMonkClientId: This cookie is used to identify the visitor, and it expires in 1 year.

  • optiMonkSession: We store the Session ID here, which is the current session of the visitor. This cookie expires after the current session.

  • The optiMonkEmbedded224812 stores embedded campaign information and has the account the account identifier appended for those users with multiple accounts.

  • Every A/B test campaign has a cookie containing variant data that was selected for display from now on. omAbTest25

  • Experiments also have a cookie for their variants with the following naming convention: optiMonkExperiments_[experiment id]

Personal information, such as IP addresses are only stored for up to 14 days. The entered data from our input fields (such as email address, First Name, Last Name, phone number) is stored on servers located in Frankfurt, Germany, using an encrypted connection and restricted ports.

You might also want to check our Privacy Policy for further information.

If you have further questions or need any help, just let us know at support@optimonk.com and we would be more than happy to assist you :)  

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