OptiMonk has multiple settings you can use to customize your campaign's appearance. You have various trigger options to choose from and many ways to segment your visitors for the Campaign. The Frequency rule is usually a setting most of our campaigns have by default. This setting limits how many times our message can appear for a visitor.
Important notes:
- After a visitor completes the form in the popup, the popup won't be displayed to them again.
- When a visitor closes the popup, it won't de displayed until the page is refreshed or opened again (loaded again).
Please follow the below steps to edit the Campaign appearance rules:
1. Log in to your OptiMonk account at https://app.optimonk.com/
2. Select Campaigns on the left, then select the Campaign you wish to edit:
3. Click on Edit settings on the right:
4. Click on Select who should see the popup:
5. Most of our Campaigns have this rule by default:
In case the rule is not used by default, you can add it by clicking on Add new condition:
6. You will see all the available segmentation options organized into three categories:
- Time & Context (colored yellow)
- Visitors (colored red)
- Pages & Custom Rules (colored green)
You will find the "Frequency" rule under Time & Context category. You can select this rule by clicking the "add" sign next to it:
7. As you can see, this is a very simple rule, you only need to define a number, which will equal to the number of times your popup can show up to a said visitor:
If the defined number is more than one, you will have additional options to define how much time is needed to pass between appearances for your popup to show up again to the same visitor:
The timer you set here starts when the popup shows up for your visitor. Please note that if your visitor fills out the form on your popup, it will not show up again to the same visitor as the campaign goal was reached. It is also important to note that the popup can only show up one time after a page is loaded. The popup can only show up again if the page is reloaded, or the visitor visits another page of your website. When a visitor closes the popup without filling out the fields, the timer will start, and the popup will not show up again until the time you have set for the Frequency rule has passed.
8. When you are finished, click on Save and Next in the top right corner to save the changes:
You can define multiple segmentation rules for your Campaigns. If you have multiple rules for a given Campaign, you can see that the logic relation between them is "AND":
This means that your popup will show up only if ALL of the segmentation rules (conditions) are met at the same time.
That's it! :) If you have further questions or need any help, please contact us at support@optimonk.com and we would be more than happy to assist you. :)