Using Visitor Data from OptiMonk Form in a Redirect Link

A great way to personalize the visitor's experience on your website is to make it personal. You can use the information on your website that the visitors provide when they fill out an OptiMonk popup. For example, if you ask their name and email address, you can use their name when they continue to browse your website:


You can set this up in the Campaign Editor:

1. Log in to your OptiMonk account at 

2. Select Campaigns on the left then select the Campaign you want to use:


3. Select the Variant you want to use:


This will take you to the Campaign Editor:

4. The visitor's data can be used on the redirect link of the popup. You need to have a Button Element on your Campaign set up to Redirect On-click:

You will need to add placeholders to the redirect link:

First name: [[FNAME]]
Last name: [[LNAME]]
Email address: [[EMAIL]]

The link would look like this with the placeholders:[[FNAME]]&lastname=[[LNAME]]&email=[[EMAIL]]

5. Once you are finished, click on Save & Exit in the top right corner to save your changes:


You will also need to implement the above placeholders on your website. You can find example code which you can also test here:

That's it! :) If you need any further help or have any questions, just let us know at and we would be happy to assist you :) 

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