Product Recommendations: Recently Viewed Products

Product Recommendations is a new feature in OptiMonk that can help you show personalized product offers based on customers' browsing history. You can get an increased conversion, engagement, and cart value at the same time while reducing cart abandonment.

OptiMonk tracks which products your visitors recently viewed, and recommends these products again, so they can continue the purchase where they left off. 

This new feature is available in our Product Element for Shoprenter and Shopify sites. To start using Product Recommendations, please follow these steps to set it up in the Campaign Editor:

1) First, log in to your OptiMonk account at 

2) Select a New campaign in your OptiMonk dashboard:

3) Select the Increase sales goal on the left to see the ready to use templates with Product Element:

You can fully customize the design in the next steps, or create your own.

4) You will see a preview of the Campaign template. Click on Use this template in the top right corner to continue to the Campaign Editor:

5) Select a domain from the dropdown list then click Next:

6) This is the Campaign Editor. You can start customizing your Campaign by clicking on one of the Elements. You can access the Product Recommendations feature by clicking on a Product Element, and you will see the available options on the right:

If you click on the drop-down menu under General / Mode, you will see the available options:

  • Manual: with this setting, you can manually set the products you want to show to your visitors.
  • Recently viewed: With this setting, you can help returning visitors to continue where they had left off. OptiMonk tracks which products your visitors recently viewed and depending on the setting we use recommends the last 1, 2, or 3 product(s).
  • Most popular: This setting allows you to promote your store's most viewed products.
  • Shopify recommender: This setting leverages Shopify's built-in recommendation engine to display personalized product suggestions based on visitor behavior, purchase history, and Shopify’s recommendation algorithm.

  • Products in the cart: With this setting, you can display products that are currently in the visitor’s cart, making it easy for them to review or complete their purchase.

You also have the option to determine the number of recommended products between 1 and 5. This is available for all the modes (Manual, Recently viewed, Most popular):

It is also important to note that OptiMonk will recommend only those products that you currently have in stock based on your website. If there are not enough products that could be recommended, the popup will not be displayed.

7) To finalize the changes in the Campaign Editor, click Save in the top right corner:

You will have the option to edit the Teaser page as well, you can click on the Teaser page at the bottom of the screen to edit this page. Click on Save & Exit in the top right corner to save the changes:

If you have any further questions or need any help, just let us know at, and we would be happy to assist you :)

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