Gather Feedback - Form Fields Management With OptiMonk

It's essential to provide a first-class user experience for your visitors. But how can you be sure you have done everything to impress them? No matter what, there is always room for improvement. But where to start? You don't have to figure it out all by yourself. Just simply ask your visitors! :) Collecting great quality customer feedback with OptiMonk is one of the easiest ways to show your visitors that you value them. Let's see how it looks in practice with OptiMonk.

In this article:


OptiMonk supports many types of form fields to request your visitors to provide any necessary information effortlessly. You can conduct even long surveys with as many questions as you wish. With unlimited steps (or pages), the sky’s the limit for a list building or a feedback collecting campaign.

OptiMonk offers a massive range of ready templates to make it easier, which include inputs for your visitors to fill in. You can find those templates with the following Goals:

  • Build your list
  • Collect feedback
  • Increase form submission

You can find the relevant templates by logging in to your account at, then select New campaign on the right-hand side. If you do not have an account yet, we recommend you to take a look at our template designs in our Inspiration library.



You will be able to filter the templates based on your goals:

With the easy-to-use Drag and Drop editor, you can make significant changes to the default inputs and add your own fields that match your desired marketing goals.

All the input field types are available on the main dashboard of the popup editor here:


All you need to do is to select the right one, drag, then drop it to the right place on your popup.


Form fields

The available form fields are the following:

Input element

By adding an Input element to your popup you can select any type of field that you would like your visitors to fill in.



Once you drop it to your popup, you will have a chance to select the type of input or even update an existing one. For example, if you prefer to change the First Name to any other custom input field type, you can do that by clicking on the added field, then proceeding to the Create New option:


You can find the list of the predefined fields below:  

  • Email: This input type is used for email marketing campaign purposes. Please note that the only way to connect your OptiMonk campaign to an email marketing automation system is if the email input field is present on the popup and is required to fill out.

    To ensure that the data is synchronized correctly, we recommend using the default email field in your OptiMonk campaigns. This can - of course - be renamed under the placeholder field.



  • First name/Last name: You can request your visitors to provide their first names and last names. However, it is recommended that the last name is not used unless it is required for specific marketing goals. In general, the less data you ask for, the higher the conversion rate your campaign will have.
  • Phone number: This type of field allows you to collect phone numbers from your visitors. It includes country codes as well, you can easily select the right country so that the format of the phone number would remain correct.


  • Date: This type of input field may be useful if you plan to surprise your subscribers on their birthdays so that you can ask them to provide the right date. As per the settings, you can even determine the format of the date.
  • URL: Your visitors could also share with you an URL link, for example, of their websites. This could be useful if you own a digital marketing agency and would like to gather the data from potential customers.

Textarea element

Text area is typically used when asking an open-ended question about their experience. It enables you to get an answer without forcing your visitors to select from fix options. You can edit the Display settings separately for mobile and desktop devices:


You can also hide the element on certain devices:


If you decide to hide an element, it will be represented on the Layout page as well:


Radio element

The Radio Element allows you to ask for feedback from your visitors by providing them options to select from to answer your question with Radio buttons.

You can customize the questions you would like to ask:



You can also customize the design separately for mobile and desktop devices:



Click on the icon to change between Mobile and Desktop settings:



Dropdown Element

A dropdown field asks your visitors to select from the values provided by you under Options. They conserve screen space which is one of their most important advantages.


You can customize the display settings differently for mobile and desktop devices:


Checkbox element

This type of input is typically used for asking the website visitors to accept the Privacy Policy of the website (or GDPR regulations). However, it can be also used instead of radio buttons for a questionnaire, too:



You can customize the design separately for mobile and desktop here as well:


Feedback element

Optimonk’s Feedback element helps you gain valuable customer insights on any part of your website. Quickly design 5 stars, 3-option emoji, or Yes-No feedback elements and let your visitors leave their opinions in a blink of an eye.


For the Feedback element, you can choose between 3 types:

  • 5-Star
  • Smiley
  • Yes-No


The icons are also fully customizable – like almost everything in your OptiMonk account. You can change the icon size, spacing, and color as well.

It’s important to note that these icons generally act as buttons. They can be set to “Close”,  “Next page” or “Jump to page” as usual.


  • Close: This option will close the popup on button click.
  • Next page: The Next page option will navigate the visitor to the next page of the popup.
  • Jump to page: The Jump to page option will navigate to a specific page of the popup.

“Jump to page” can also be set by rating to ask additional questions based on the rating of your visitor.


As a common example, you can provide an immediate coupon code or can simply thank your visitor if they gave you good feedback, or you can ask extra questions if they gave you a neutral or a bad one to better understand their concerns.

Survey element

This is a great tool that you can use if you want to guide your visitors because the survey options act as buttons: you can set On Click action for each option.


If you click on the element, you will see the available settings on the left:


You can add new options and set the OnClick action under the General tab. You can set the following On Click actions:

  • Next page - this action will guide your visitors to the next page of the popup
  • Custom step - this action will guide your visitors to a specific page of the popup
  • Redirect - with this action, you can redirect your visitors to any URL
  • Close - this action will close the popup for the visitor

You can set the Custom step and the Redirect actions differently for each button - this allows you to customize the visitor experience by guiding your visitors depending on their answer. Here you can get more information about the Survey form element.

Where can I find the data filled in via my OptiMonk campaign?

When your website visitors subscribe via your on-site message, you can store the data in two different ways:

OptiMonk will store it for you automatically and you can have an insight at the data under the ‘Leads’ menu of your account:


The data from here can be easily exported in order to be used for your marketing purposes, by clicking Export on the right-hand side:


While OptiMonk will also store the subscribers’ data for you, it is recommended that you connect your campaigns with a 3rd party email marketing automation system. You can find the list of systems you can pick from here: 

That’s it. Asking for feedback from your visitors has never been easier! If you have any further questions or need any help, please contact us at, and we would be happy to assist you :)

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