OptiMonk allows you to segment your visitors based on their Country with the Country selector Campaign rule. Please follow these steps to edit the rules of your OptiMonk Campaigns:
1) First, log in to your account at https://app.optimonk.com/
2) Select Campaigns on the left menu then select the Campaign you wish to edit:
3) Click on Edit settings on the right:
4) You can find the segmentation rules under Select who should see the popup:
5) Click on Add new condition:
6) You will find the Country selector rule under the Visitors category:
You can add the rule by clicking on the Add sign next to it:
7) You can use this rule to exclude specific countries from this Campaign, or set a country (or countries) where the Campaign will show up:
Start typing the name of the Country you want to use, then choose from the appearing drop-down menu:
You can add multiple countries to the rule:
8) Once you are done, click on Save then Next in the top right corner to save the changes:
That's it! :) If you need any further help or have any questions, just let us know at support@optimonk.com and we would be happy to assist you :)